Have a look at potted summaries of 70 of our Victims' Impact Statements
The victims typically suffer two crimes. Firstly one
or all of the following fraud, bribery and forgery to
steal their assets. The second bigger crime that
causes ongoing c-PTSD and Human Rights abuse is
caused by willful blindness of our government and
law enforcement and courts. Click here to download
70 potted summaries showing UK State abuse
click right (PDF)
The former Master of the High Court in Ireland alleges that there is collusion between certain State bodies and the American vulture funds
Systemic fraud that is happening within our courts and Land Registry to ultimately defraud small businesses - link
FSB states SMEs left with nowhere to turn for banking dispute justice following FCA decision
Tina McKenzie, Policy Chair, Federation of Small Businesses (FSB) said:
“This FCA decision means many SMEs involved in banking disputes will be forced to take the risk and expense of taking their bank to court - link
Archived News - link

Welcome to our website exposing "State Corruption" through banking, abuse of legal services, courts and corrupt policing, controlled and allowed by the UK Government

Sir Mark Rowley's Counter Terrorism Police refuses to protect British Civilians' from Torture - link

We are seeking justice against the UK State for the crime of 'Crimes Against Humanity'.
Mental and Physical Torture caused by failure of:
Civil Servants
The State

We aim to hold those in High Office (High Contracting Parties) to account for their
wrongs and once efforts to seek justice are exhausted, take those who failed us to
higher jurisdiction under International Law. Justice delayed and denied is no longer acceptable.
Think "Nuremberg 2" where 9 trials took place. The first saw 22 Nazi's on trial for crimes
of genocide, war crimes and crime against humanity. The first of the trials saw 4 Reichsbank Nazi seniors on trial along with other senior State persons.
1945 had Nuremberg Court. Today we have the ICC - The International Criminal Court
and the right to bring application and awareness when governments fail their people
and abuse our rights.
This site is not for normal householders who have sadly faced eviction. However if you
saw your business destroyed after promise of funding that didn't run as promised, or
where you feel the rug was very wrongly pulled from you and State operatives such as police, ministers and courts ignore or abuse you, then you may be applicable to join our "Project Hague" movement.
How do you fight the corruption engineered by the UK State ?
We hold growing evidence. Evidence we intend to take to The International Criminal Court,
The ICC in the Hague under International Law

Nigel Farage speaks to former Police Crime Commisioner
Over Lloyds Bank BSU crimes at Bristol
Open VIDEO link
The International Criminal Court Act 2001 - Article 7 (1) (f)
Systemic and widespread crimes on British civilians.
Inflicted Psychological Injury.
We are seeking justice against the UK State for the crime of 'Crimes Against Humanity'.
Mental and Physical Torture caused by failure of:
Civil Servants
The State
We aim to hold those in High Office (High Contracting Parties) to account for their
wrongs and once efforts to seek justice are exhausted, take those who failed us to
higher jurisdiction under International Law. Justice delayed and denied is no longer acceptable.
Think "Nuremberg 2" where 9 trials took place. The first saw 22 Nazi's on trial for crimes
of genocide, war crimes and crime against humanity. The first of the trials saw 4 Reichsbank Nazi seniors on trial along with other senior State persons.
1945 had Nuremberg Court. Today we have the ICC - The International Criminal Court
and the right to bring application and awareness when governments fail their people
and abuse our rights.
This site is not for normal householders who have sadly faced eviction. However if you
saw your business destroyed after promise of funding that didn't run as promised, or
where you feel the rug was very wrongly pulled from you and State operatives such as police, ministers and courts ignore or abuse you, then you may be applicable to join our "Project Hague" movement.
How do you fight the corruption engineered by the UK State ?
We hold growing evidence. Evidence we intend to take to The International Criminal Court,
The ICC in the Hague under International Law

The International Criminal Court Act 2001 - Article 7 (1) (f)
Systemic and widespread crimes on British civilians.
Inflicted Psychological Injury.
2008 saw widespread attack on UK Businesses. Bank board's and their lawyers were allowed by the UK Government Cabinet to engineer widespread attacks on SME’s (British Civilians), under UK State governance where unfair terms in contracts saw a large number of people lose their businesses, homes and in some cases their lives.
Click PDF for the letter of support from the Convener of the 25 Lords Spiritual today dated 15 Feb 2023.

This process is continuing. The crimes are live. UK Civil Courts will not entertain Criminal jury intervention to provide true judicial remedy for His Majesty's Subjects. The UK Establishment / (His Majesty’s) Administration also known as High Contracting Parties including Senior Ministers (some Privy Council), Senior Police and
some Crime Commissioners
(PCC’s), some Judges and a
number of Civil Servants –
most who swear Oath to the
Crown have and continue to
play their part in committing
the atrocities in the systemic
and widespread Crime Against
Humanity - mental torture
under a common plan to
monetize asset stripping
and deny remedy to Victims.
This is in breach of the
International Criminal Court
Act 2001 and International
Criminal Court ( Scotland)
Act 2001. This aligns with the Rome Statute for referral to the International Criminal Court; The Hague for prosecution of those in High Office responsible for facilitating “ blind eye” policing and Judicial abuse atrocities, (these being the chosen weapons), to inflict severe mental torture on Victims of systemic and widespread financial crime.
History is again repeating itself. In 1945 we saw the Nuremberg International Court step in and stop the Nazi atrocities AND In 1688 Britain saw atrocities under King James II, where men and women of the land called for removal of the King due to The Heads of Declaration of Lords and Commons, which through the "Bill of Rights 1688" (0ur Constitution" in public interest recited:
Whereas the late King James the Second by the Assistance of diverse “evill” Councellors Judges and Ministers imployed by him did endeavour to subvert and extirpate the Protestant Religion and the Lawes and Liberties of this Kingdome.
King James Second was removed for failing to protect the liberty and rights of his Subjects, having allowed corrupt
and unlawful Servants of the Crowne to run riot and unlawfully. He was deposed in the Glorious Revolution (1688–89) and replaced by William III and Mary II. Support came also from one Archbishop and six Bishops (seven x Lord Spirituals).

Public Officials
The Law
Section 134 Criminal Justice Act 1988 makes it an offence for any public official to ‘intentionally inflict severe pain or suffering on another in the performance …
of his or her official duties’

Torture is illegal, right?
Yes. The use of torture has been contrary to common law for several centuries, and the UK was well ahead of many other European jurisdictions in abolishing its use. Although the common law prohibited torture, however, the Privy Council continued to issue torture warrants until Felton’s case in 1628 and it was not until the Long Parliament in 1640 that the practice was formally abolished. In Scotland, torture was prohibited by section 5 Treason Act 1708. Tragically, the Establishment is not practicing what it preached and in the last few decades it's leadership has allowed it's own rulership to destroy thousands of SME's unlawfully against ECHR Human Rights for unjust enrichment of the Treasury.

Today the UK State has been wilfully blind. Such abusive practices are engineered via departments such as Lloyds BSU, HBoS and RBS GRG operations. Furthermore widespread economic abuse is taking place in the United Kingdom driven mainly from the Square Mile in the City of London. Worse still this is routinely covered up by the City of
City of London Police Force, Avon & Somerset Police and Sussex Police, Kent Police (as well as many other police forces) and law enforcement agencies such as the SFO and NCA.
In addition to the established common law provisions, section 134 Criminal Justice Act 1988 makes it an offence for any public official to ‘intentionally inflict severe pain or suffering on another in the perfomance … of his official duties’. This provision was introduced to honour the UK’s commitments under the 1984 UN Convention Against Torture and Other Cruel, Inhuman or Degrading Treatment or Punishment (the Torture Convention).
Under international law, torture is not only prohibited under such instruments as Article 3 of the European Convention on Human Rights (ECHR) and the Torture Convention, but it has become recognised as ius cogens, a preemptory norm of international law that binds all states whether they have signed instruments such as the Torture Convention or not.((See eg Prosecutor v Furundzija [1998] ICTY 3, 10 December 1998, paragraphs 147-157)) The prohibition against torture under Article 3 ECHR is also one of the few rights that cannot be derogated from in a state of emergency under Article 15.

Human Rights Abuse
The terror victims go through when facing false evictions allowed by the UK State cannot be underestimated. Mary (left) and Alun Williams were forced to hand over their beloved farm to a predatory loan firm after suffering years of systemic mental torture.
United Nations - Human Rights Topics: Torture
Daily Mail - Couple's despair as loan firm drives family from farm
ECHR Article 1, Protocol 1 - Right to peaceful enjoyment
ECHR Article 3 - Freedom from Torture
ECHR Article 5 - Right to Liberty
ECHR Article 6 - Right to a Fair Trial
ECHR Article 8 - Respect of victims private lives
ECHR Article 1, Protocol 1 - Right to peaceful enjoyment of your property
ECHR Article 13 - Right to higher remedy when the UK Courts FAIL
The State is Denying justice to Victims
The evidence shows the structure in place in the UK to deny justice to Victims of Crimes Against Humanity perpetrated by His Majesty’s Administration, including the Home Office Counting Rules which, by design, fail to recognise crimes committed by Lenders against their Customers , His Majesty’s Subjects’ whom His Majesty King Charles lll has a duty to protect under the Bill of Rights 1688 our Constitutional birth rights.
Following speaking with a lawyer, Dr Alan Smith, Lord Bishop of St Albans, stated:
"Our view is that your best course of action is to go to the ICC, International Criminal Court in the Hague"
Dr Alan Smith
Convener to the Lord Spirituals

This is history repeating itself
Prior persecution of the civilian population by the State resulted in the Bill of Rights 1688, to prevent such atrocities from happening again.
This was supported at the time by Lord Spirituals and more recently the Nuremberg Court Trials which stopped the Nazi War machine and led to the establishment of the International Criminal Court, The Hague, to hold those responsible for such atrocities on Civilians to account.

Former HMRC Retail Banking Inspector commented:
"We want the Chairmen of Criminally operating Banks to face Court and former Chancellors who have facilitated these predatory practices to face criminal Court for their actions..."
"If Trump has to face the music, it is only right for bankers to answer for Crimes Against Humanity."
Banking Professor Nigel Harper
FCIB, Qualified ACIB, Chartered Banker, MBA
Continuous Traumatic Stress Disorder (C-PTSD)
The trauma inflicted on victims is never ending and continues to be perpetuated
The prohibition against torture is a bedrock principle of International law. Torture, as well as cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment, is banned at all times, in all places. We have tried pressing the UK government, regulatory authorities and through to HM King Charles III (Head of State) to act to prevent this cruel State torture, as well as bringing those who engage in such practices to justice.
Our aim is to ensure victims of torture obtain justice, including an enforceable right to fair and adequate trials, redress in the form of compensation and restitution, and in many cases, access to care required for full rehabilitation and recovery from the trauma suffered.